8/8/06 2:07AM EST
Ysera's Outcry: Ahn'Qiraj Gate's Premature Opening
Well it looks like my previous post about AQ opening on the morning I left for Connecticut was a misguided prediction. In fact, the Gate of Ahn'Qiraj was opened in the wee hours of this very morning, mere hours before scheduled maintenance, while most of Ysera's population were fast asleep.
Blizzard's response so far.
The act is seen by most as griefing and quite a few are up in arms over how one person can single-handedly cause the entire server to lose out on such a major event.
Screenshot of original post by the previous owner of the Valafar account.
Axion's reaction to the events. EDIT: Looks like Tork deleted his public apology on the behalf of Axion.
I, on the other hand, got home from work just in time to join my new guildmates in Sillithus, right after the gong was rung, landing a killing blow on one of many Colossal Anubisath Warbringers rampaging the landscape.
While what happened is morally incomprehensible, the truth of the matter is that Blizzard's hands are tied. If Blizzard started regulating the game based on moral ambiguities, Customer Service would be flooded with petty complaints. No real problems would ever be solved and not everyone would be truly satisfied.
If there was a rollover the few guilds who were ready to ring the gong will have what they want. But at the expense of the server majority, whom would lose any and all progress made during the timeframe of the rollover. Personally I would like to see those who were ready at the moment the Gates were opened be compensated with whatever rewards worked for. Blizzard cannot and should not dimiss this. But a server wide rollover is not the solution.
A Bump thread demanding more communication from Blizzard. EDIT: Locked.
To tell you the truth, I am more concerned with this whole fiasco turning into a native vs transfer conflict. This was the act of a native who had inherited the Valafar account from a guildmate. This guildmate, also a native, inherited this account sometime ago from a friend who had retired from WoW long before transfers were available.
Unfortunatly not many people realize this, which is a shame.
Well it looks like my previous post about AQ opening on the morning I left for Connecticut was a misguided prediction. In fact, the Gate of Ahn'Qiraj was opened in the wee hours of this very morning, mere hours before scheduled maintenance, while most of Ysera's population were fast asleep.
Blizzard's response so far.
The act is seen by most as griefing and quite a few are up in arms over how one person can single-handedly cause the entire server to lose out on such a major event.
Screenshot of original post by the previous owner of the Valafar account.
Axion's reaction to the events. EDIT: Looks like Tork deleted his public apology on the behalf of Axion.
I, on the other hand, got home from work just in time to join my new guildmates in Sillithus, right after the gong was rung, landing a killing blow on one of many Colossal Anubisath Warbringers rampaging the landscape.

While what happened is morally incomprehensible, the truth of the matter is that Blizzard's hands are tied. If Blizzard started regulating the game based on moral ambiguities, Customer Service would be flooded with petty complaints. No real problems would ever be solved and not everyone would be truly satisfied.
If there was a rollover the few guilds who were ready to ring the gong will have what they want. But at the expense of the server majority, whom would lose any and all progress made during the timeframe of the rollover. Personally I would like to see those who were ready at the moment the Gates were opened be compensated with whatever rewards worked for. Blizzard cannot and should not dimiss this. But a server wide rollover is not the solution.
A Bump thread demanding more communication from Blizzard. EDIT: Locked.
To tell you the truth, I am more concerned with this whole fiasco turning into a native vs transfer conflict. This was the act of a native who had inherited the Valafar account from a guildmate. This guildmate, also a native, inherited this account sometime ago from a friend who had retired from WoW long before transfers were available.
Unfortunatly not many people realize this, which is a shame.